Friday 22 April 2016

When Love Dies - A Poem

Have you ever been in love and suddenly watch it grow wings and fly away? This poem feeds you with memories and longings of what it feels like when love dies.
When love dies
When love dies
Do you cry?
Do you feel the pain?
Do you feel the pain of a man
With a thousand birds
Dead in his stomach?
Do you feel the burden of love
Like a woman with birth pains?
Do you? Do you?
How do you revive your heart 
And make it walk on laughter again
When pictures tell a million stories
Bringing beautiful memories back
Like a successful man
Who returned from the West
With fascinating tales of the whiteman
You drown yourself with memories
Of days of joy and happiness
Walking on scenic parks at night
With the cool evening breezy air
Whistling sweet nonsense into your ears
Co-joined hearts in love
Smiling at each other 
Stealing lovely kisses
Like two feverish angels
And you call love all sweet names
But, like a fated plane
All dreams come crashing 
Like pieces of wood thrown from a skyscraper
Your hearts become foreigners
Love flies out through the window
Hearts become lonely and weak
Eyes become wet 
And tears become a companion
You wail like the wailing wailers
Nights become a battle 
And sleep takes a break from your eyes
As you lose your senses to the madness of your emotions
Everything turns upside down
When love dies, living becomes a curse.
-written by Alexander Thandi Ubani
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