Monday 18 April 2016

This Soldier Engaged in S*x With Young Schoolgirl While Another Teen Was Pregnant for Him (Photos)

A soldier has sparked outrage after he was found out to have had s*x with a young schoolgirl with yet another young girl carrying his baby.
Jack Burnett
Private Jack Burnett, a 19-year-old soldier had s*x with a 15-year-old schoolgirl while another teenager was pregnant with his child.
According to Daily Mail, Burnett met his victim when he was an officer in charge of her at the Army Cadet Force and later had s*x with her while he was on leave at home in Barry, South Wales.
Burnett, of the First Battalion Royal Welsh regiment, was given an eight month prison sentence suspended for two years after admitting to underage sex at Newport Crown Court.
Army chiefs will now consider whether the soldier, who was tipped for promotion, will have to leave the military.  
The court heard that Burnett arranged a camping trip with the teenage cadet after meeting her on duty even though another teenager was pregnant with his child at the time.
The pair shared a tent and had sex twice during the evening. The victim told friends what had happened days after the trip and went to her parents and the police a week later.
Police arrested Burnett at Lucknow Barracks in Tidworth, Wiltshire. The soldier admitted having s*x with the schoolgirl but claimed she had initiated the encounter by scratching his back and kissing his neck.
John Lloyd, prosecuting, said: 'He knew the girl's age. He confessed to police having s*x with another 15-year-old previously. He has since fathered a child with her and is now in a relationship with her.'
In a statement read out in court, the victim revealed how she had 'lost confidence' in herself after the meeting. She said: 'I have flashbacks about it. I've even been close to self harming. 
'I'm scared of going out in case I see him. I've stopped wearing vest tops because that's what I was wearing on the night. I'm also now scared of tents.'
Adam Sharp, defending, said the soldier was 'highly regarded' by Army chiefs who wanted to see him promoted to a corporal.
He also pointed to the fact the girl was 'just days away' from turning 16 when they had sex.
Mr Sharp said: 'He is currently a team medic, and if he is not given a custodial sentence, would have attained the rank of corporal. 
'His sentence and incarceration would cause him difficulties in the Army. He showed immaturity outside of his military career which meant he was attracted to those younger than himself.
'The fact he is now in a stable relationship and being a father means it will have a great impact on his maturity.'
Judge Geraint Walters criticised claims about Burnett's 'maturity' and questioned how with his military discipline he could have acted so 'uncouth'.
He also criticised Burnett's father for referring to the underage sex as 'a technical error' in a written statement.
Judge Walters said: 'Everyone knows having sex with a child under 16 years is plainly wrong. Those that are older such as yourself are expected to understand there is a line across which you may not go. In this case you willfully crossed it.
'The wickedness of what you did was have sex with her when you knew she was a child.
'You are now also the father of a young daughter only few weeks old, a child you fathered with a 15-year-old girl. You've never faced any proceedings about that because there's never been a complaint.
'Despite the fact you are in the armed forces there's something very naive and immature about you. You hang out with young people and it's that which caused you to go camping with this young girl.
'You've left her feeling a sense of hopelessness.'
Burnett was given a eight months sentence suspended for two years at Newport Crown Court and must register as a s*x offender for 10 years.

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