Thursday 10 March 2016

22,000 Names, Addresses & Family Details of ISIS Terrorists Leaked in Biggest Breakthrough Hack (Photos)

ISIS member list is leaked as names and family details of 22,000 jihadis is revealed in cache of application forms complete with references and next of kin in what could be the biggest breakthrough in the fight against Terrorism.
Junaid Hussain, travelled to Syria from Birmingham in 2013 and his ISIS file is among 22,000 leaked 
A cache of documents containing the personal information of 22,000 ISIS jihadists in Syria and Iraq has been seized today in the 'biggest counter-terrorism breakthrough in years'.
The treasure trove of data for security services battling the terror group contains the names, nationalities, addresses, telephone numbers, family contacts and the fighter's personal recruiter.
The leak by a disgruntled jihadi contains the details of at least 16 British fighters, including Birmingham hacker Junaid Hussain, Cardiff-born Reyaad Khan, who were both killed by a US drone last year, and rapper, Abdel Bary, a 26-year-old from London who joined IS in 2013.
The memory stick reveals recruits had to fill in the 23-question registration card to be allowed into the group
Former UK intelligence chiefs described the documents as a 'goldmine' and it is believed to be the biggest ISIS intelligence haul ever uncovered.
Experts believe the files could be invaluable in tackling jihadists who have sneaked back into Europe intent on bringing bloodshed to the streets in 'enormous and spectacular' attacks. 
The documents are from ISIS' entrance interviews, probably held in Raqqa, Syria, and show that the terror group has its own human resources department. The documents also show the name of the ISIS 'fixer' who 'recommended' the individual on the form, giving spies a better idea of who runs the group's recruitment network. 
All ISIS fighters need to fill in a survey on their most personal details - but today's leak will leave the group in crisis
And the forms also have the route they took to Syria or Iraq date, time and place of death if applicable, meaning security services now know exactly who has perished. 
In a major coup for the West, a memory stick stolen from an IS leader by a disgruntled recruit was obtained by Sky News. The details it contains are understood to be authentic.
Recruits from at least 51 countries, including the UK, who travelled to the region to join the murderous terror organisation – notorious for its brutality, including beheadings, crucifixions and massacres, were ordered to give up their most sensitive information.
Many of the names on the registration cards are well known - including a number of British fighters 
Details were logged on an extraordinary induction form. Only when a recruit had filled in the 23-question registration card were they allowed into the group, also known as Daesh.
Questions on the form included date of birth, marital status, previous jobs, who recommended them, if they had fought before, what role they would take – for instance, 'fighter' – and any'specialist skills'. The forms even includes contact details for next of kin. Many of the names on the registration cards are well known.
Source: Dailymail UK

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